Vice-Dean of the Madrid Notarial Association and Vice-President of the SIGNUM Foundation and its Court of Arbitration.
Law Degree from the Complutense University of Madrid and Notary Public since 1997. In 2007 she took up her position in Madrid.
She has been Secretary General of the General Council of Notaries and is Notary Archivist of the Archive of Protocols of the Notarial Association of Madrid.
Arbitrator and Mediator of the SIGNUM Foundation.
Trustee of the Matritense Foundation of Notaries.
Member of the Editorial Committee and Steering Committee of the magazine “El Notario del siglo XXI”.
Distinguished Cross of 1st Class of San Raimundo de Peñafort in 2016.
Trainer of Notary Public examiners at the Academy of Notary Public Examinations of the Notarial Association of Madrid, since 1997.
Member of the Court of State Lawyers’ Examinations in the examinations held in Madrid in 2014-2015.
Secretary of the Court of Notary Public Examinations held at the Notarial Association of Madrid in 2021-2022.
She has published numerous articles in specialized journals and has been coordinator of the book ‘Jurisdicción Voluntaria Notarial. Estudio Práctico de los Nuevos Expedientes en la Ley de Jurisdicción Voluntaria, Ley Hipotecaria y Ley de Navegación Marítima’, in which she also wrote the chapter “Reclamación de Deudas Dinerarias no Contradichas”.
He has participated as a lecturer at the Academia Matritense del Notariado, at the Real Academia Gallega de Jurisprudencia y Legislación, at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo, at the Servicio de Formación Continua del Consejo General del Poder Judicial, at the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados del Señorío de Bizkaia, at the Ilustre Colegio Notarial del País Vasco and at the Consejo General del Notariado.
Among other national and international meetings, he participated in 2019 in the XII National Congress of the Legal Profession, held in Valladolid, and in 2022 in the XII Notarial Congress, held in Malaga and dedicated to reflect and debate on the aging of society.
Last year he also attended the National Congress organized by the Institute of Comparative Law of the Complutense University of Madrid, which studied the legal problems of people with disabilities, and was a speaker at the Congress of the Ibero-American Union of Bar Associations and Groups of Lawyers, held in Pamplona and dedicated to arbitration.
In addition, this year 2023 he participated in the Commemorative Conference of the European Day of Mediation, held at the General Council of the Judiciary on January 23 and 24, with the conference entitled “Problems posed by the direct enforceability of the mediation agreement. Requirements, control of legality of the content and filing of the document”.
And on March 8, coinciding with the celebration of Women’s Day, she was a speaker at the conference organized by the International Union of Notaries. Her lecture was entitled “Notarial documents for women’s entrepreneurship”.