Delcy Lagones de Anglim is a professional with vast experience in Alternative Dispute Resolution. A lawyer by profession, she has 29 years of experience in the resolution of international commercial, environmental and investment disputes, among others. She has work experience in South America, Europe, Asia and Australia.
She is a conflict resolution consultant for the World Bank. She previously worked for the United Nations in the peace and reconstruction mission in Cambodia.
Ms. Lagones was Head of Delegation of LawAsia to the United Nations during the negotiations for the drafting of the Singapore Convention (Enforcement of Internationally Mediated Agreements).
She is a founding Partner and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Australasian Dispute Resolution Centre, ADRC, based in Australia and Third Party Mediation, two service and training companies. She is also a founder of the Mediation Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce in Australia and a board member of several public and private organizations.