Leticia García Villaluenga is Professor of Civil Law at the UCM. Her lines of research and her work have been linked, for more than 20 years, to mediation and conflict resolution. She founded and has directed since 1997 the Master’s Degree in Mediation at UCM (www.ucm.es/mediacion). Since 2007, she has directed the UCM Research Group: “Cooperative systems of conflict management, mediation, negotiation and culture of peace in the society of the 21st century – ADRsXXI” (https://www.ucm.es/adrsxxi/). She chairs and was co-founder of the Conference of Universities for the Study of Mediation and Conflict – CUEMYC (www.cuemyc.org). She co-founded and directed from 2007 to 2016 the Complutense Institute of Mediation . She directs the Mediation collection of Editorial Reus and co-directs the Mediation Yearbook, awarded last year as the best scientific publication in the field. She has been a researcher and visiting scholar at Stanford University, and a researcher at the University of Berkeley.