Pablo Sanchez holds a PhD in Business Administration from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, 2010) and a degree in Economics (University of Barcelona, 2001). He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of inclusive business, social impact assessment and corporate sustainability.
Pablo Sanchez is co-founder and director of the B Lab Spain foundation, an organization that leads a global movement of people who use the power of business to make a positive impact.
to generate positive impact. He is also co-founder of Roots for Sustainability, a B Corp company specializing in projects and organizations, social impact measurement and inclusive business development.
He has worked as a consultant for international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and the
the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) -World Bank Group- and national
(IFC) -World Bank Group- and national (ICEX) or local organizations such as ACC1Ó (Catalan Agency for Competitiveness
(Catalan Agency for the Competitiveness of SMEs) or Innobasque (Basque Country). Agency for the
Promotion of Innovation). He has also participated in several applied research projects on inclusive business with companies such as Amanç (Guatemala, Mexico), Coelce (Brazil) or Philips (India) and in the development of inclusive business models such as AquaInnovate (Mexico), Chilectra (Chile) and Red de Recicladores de Azúcar (Bolivia).
In academia, he has collaborated with the Institute for Social Innovation at ESADE and has been doing research for the Center for Business in Society at IESE Business School. He is a professor at ESCI-UPF on inclusive business. He is the author of several case studies, articles and chapter books in the field of international strategy and business sustainability.
He is Senior Research Fellow at ECRI (Ethics in Finance & Social Value) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and is a member of the Board of Directors of GEAccounting, an organization that promotes social accounting methodologies and monetization of social value generated by organizations.
He has supported the Companies with Purpose Act initiative since its inception by organizing and coordinating the working group responsible for the management of this project. It has also established alliances with various organizations, such as SpainNAB, Foro NESI, Talento para el Futuro, etc.. It has also presented the initiative to various media and co-organized the presentation of the Manifesto for the promotion of a new inclusive and sustainable business model, signed by 50 personalities from all over Spain.